Why Slovene Houses Look the Way They Do. Ljubljana, 2007
Based on research on parallel economies
Duration: 7 min 15 sec
Voice: Polonca Lovšin
English translation: Rawley Grau
Supported by: Kud Obrat, Ljubljana
In Slovenia, only 50% of the population lives in cities. In other developed countries, this number is around 80%. In our country, migration to urban centres took place primarily between 1950 and 1980, when people from rural areas and migrants from other Yugoslav republics moved to cities and started working in factories. In this thirty-year period, the urban population grew from 26% to 49% of the whole – almost the same as it is today.
In the mid-sixties, my father was one of those who moved from Ljubljana to the countryside. He built a house for himself on the outskirts of the city. Over the years the house grew, developing and changing with the growth of the family and my father’s resourcefulness at making and saving money. This video describes the transformation of a typical Slovene one-family house and how that relates to the family economy.